Friday, April 6, 2012

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Daily Newsletter April 6, 2012

Today's Topic: Regulation and Evolution

Please read the following article: The evolution of gene regulation, the RNA universe, and the vexed questions of artefact and noise

Hopefully this week has introduced you to the importance of genetic regulation. 

Multicellular organisms, such as humans, need coordinated development, from a zygote (fertilized ovum), through embryonic stages, fetal development, and then the stages of growth and development into an adult.  Each of these changes is marked by changes in gene regulation.

To save energy, cells will keep non-essential genes turned off.  In they receive different signals, or encounter different environments, cells can adapt their physiology by altering gene expression.  Remember, building mRNA and then a Protein is energetically very costly to the cell.  Cells have to be masters of energy maintenance, so the ability to regulate gene expression is critical. 

Daily Challenge: The Evolution of Gene Regulation
From readings in your textbook and throughout the week, discuss the evolution of gene regulation, and the importance of gene regulation to evolution.

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