Thursday, October 18, 2012

Daily Newsletter: October 18, 2012 - Beyond Mendel

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October 18, 2012 Beyond Mendel

As discussed in class yesterday, after the rediscover of Mendel's work, people began investigating inheritance in other systems. As research continued, scientists began seeing that the Mendelian ratios did not always work. There were variations.
  • Sex linked traits: Many species have what is known as a sex chromosome. Normally, every chromosome of a given set is the same size and shape, and most importantly, they carry the same genetic information. Not so with sex chromosomes. One variation of the chromosome is shorter, and does not carry the same information. When the standard and shorter chromosome (X and Y) are in the same cell, you have a Hemizygotic state. The suffix hemi come from ancient Greek, and means half. This refers to the idea that some of the genes in an XY pairing are haploid, not diploid. If the X has a gene that the Y does not possess, then it is always expressed (as would be the case in haploid organisms).
X-linked DomDominant X linked
    X-linked Dom
  • Epistasis: Epistasis involves a two gene system. While the genotype follows Mendelian Laws, the phenotype does not. The reason is that one gene completely masks the effect of the second gene. Below is an epistatic example. Can you describe how this is different from a standard dihybrid cross?
  • Pleiotrophy: This is when an allele has widespread impact in an organism, and so is not limited to one trait. For example, would a change in microtubles affect only one aspect of a cell? Would it affect only one cell type? Pleiotrophy may also cause problems at different stages of development, such as varying affects at different ages. Here is an example of pleiotrophy.
  • Heterosis: Hybrid Vigor. Inbreeding can depress the Heterosisadaptive strength of a species by allowing recessive traits a greater chance to express. When you begin crossing inbreed strains, you suddenly see an increase in adaptive vigor. This is useful with coordinated breeding of animals and plants, as the hybrid produced is stronger than the parental strains. It also informs our understanding of endangered species, and helps researchers work on ways to increase not only the adaptive vigor an an endangered species, but also the population size (without increasing inbreeding depression).
  • Gene expression from environmental cues: Some genes are only triggered during certain environmental conditions. Remember the concept of signal pathways and signal transduction. The body picks up an environmental signal, and then tells the cells to change in some way. There are two terms you need to understand when dealing with Environmentally Cued Gene Expression:
    • Expressivity: This describes how much gene expression you get in an individual when exposed to the proper cues.
    • Penetrance: This is a population concept. When exposed to a given condition, how many individuals of the population express the gene?

Some additional reading for those interested in genetics:

Daily Challenge

How do variations in Mendelian genetics provide adaptive strengths to a species? For example, how would epistasis aid a species?
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